Dried flowers in bud vases

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Flowers from a random selection of : Statice, helichrysum, larkspur, ammi majus, grasses, clary sage, ammobium alatum, lunaria

Vases: Clear glass or crystal (random selection)

Colour (s): Pink, white, blue, purple, green, or yellow

Average Stem Length top to bottom: 20cm

Average height of bud vases: 10cm

Minimum No. of stems in each: 5

Grown in : Gloucestershire, UK

Not edible.

Dried naturally in 2022. No dyes or chemicals or preservatives used.

Uses: Could be placed individually on a desk or table or grouped for a meadow style table arrangement.

Care: keep dried flowers out of direct sunlight, inside, away from water and handle with care - they can be delicate. A little dropping into the box during transit should be expected, avoid areas where flowers will be knocked or disturbed regularly. Will last for months but expect flower colours to gradually fade with time. These stems are delicate and some damage may be inevitable during transit . Every care is taken to limit this.

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